Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Medical Legal Expert Witness
Our Board Certified and actively practicing Physical Therapists are qualified to advise and provide expert testimony on issues related to the treatment of circulatory conditions, connective tissue injuries, dislocations, fractures, joint injuries, low back pain, neurological conditions, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, repetitive stress disorders, soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, stroke, workplace injuries, and therapeutic exercise, manipulations, massage therapy, body therapy, and bodywork, as well as other related topics.
Our Board Certified and actively practicing Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Experts are qualified to advise and provide expert testimony on issues related to back pain, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, hip fractures, knee fractures, knee injuries, ligament injuries, low back pain, multiple sclerosis, musculoskeletal injuries, musculoskeletal pain, neck pain, neuromuscular disorders, paraplegia, physiatry, physical disabilities, physical rehabilitation, physical therapists, physical therapy, pinched nerves, polio, quadriplegia, rotator cuff injuries, shoulder injuries, spinal cord injuries, sports injuries, stroke, tendonitis, and traumatic brain injuries, as well as other related topics.
Our services include, but are not limited to: